Author: Jackson Crawford

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Jackson Crawford is a distinguished writer and content creator specializing in career development topics, including interview advice, side hustle ideas, and small business tools. Based in New York City, he is known for his insightful and innovative approach to career guidance. His articles and tips have been featured in various publications and media outlets, establishing him as a sought-after expert in the career advice sphere.

A temporary job, often referred to as a temp job, is a position with a clear endpoint, designed to cover short-term needs of an employer. The duration of a temporary job can vary significantly based on the specific requirements of the job and the employer’s needs. Here are some typical characteristics of temporary job durations: 1. Duration Variability Short-term: Some temporary jobs last for a few days or weeks. These are usually to cover an employee’s absence or to manage an increase in workload, such as during the holiday season. Medium-term: These positions can last from a month up to…

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The term “on call” in a job context means that an employee is available to work or respond to work-related tasks outside of regular working hours. Here’s a more detailed look at what being on call involves: 1. Availability RequirementBeing on call requires an employee to be available to work or address work-related issues during specific hours outside their typical work schedule. This does not necessarily mean they are at the workplace, but they must be reachable and able to come in or perform tasks if needed. 2. Response TimeOn-call employees typically have a set response time within which they…

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Asking for an extension on a job offer can feel a bit daunting, but it’s a common situation and can be handled gracefully with the right approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to ask for an extension on a job offer, making sure you maintain professionalism and keep the door open for positive interactions. 1. Understand Your Reasons First, be clear about why you need the extension. Common reasons might include evaluating another job offer, personal circumstances requiring attention, or needing more time to make a relocation decision. Knowing why will help you communicate your request more effectively. 2.…

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Deciding how long to stay at your first job involves balancing your career goals, personal growth, and the market norms of your industry. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, several factors can help guide your decision: 1. Learning and Development Growth Opportunities: Stay long enough to learn and grow professionally. If you’re continually gaining valuable skills, knowledge, and experience, staying longer can be beneficial. Skills Acquisition: It’s generally advisable to remain in your first job until you’ve mastered the necessary skills and can perform your role competently. This often takes at least one to two years. 2. Career Goals Alignment with…

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A contingent job offer is an employment proposal that is dependent on certain conditions being met before the job offer becomes firm and final. This means that while an employer has chosen a candidate for a position, the offer’s finalization is subject to the candidate satisfying specific prerequisites. These conditions often serve to ensure that the candidate is fully qualified and able to fulfill the role’s requirements. Here are some common contingencies that might be attached to a job offer: 1. Background Checks This includes verifying the candidate’s criminal record, employment history, and educational credentials. Employers want to ensure that…

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Finding a job where you can bring your child along can be highly beneficial for parents looking for ways to manage childcare while working. Here are several types of jobs and work environments that might allow you to bring your child to work: 1. Family-Owned Businesses Flexibility and Understanding: Working in a family-owned business, especially if it’s your own or belongs to close relatives, can often provide the flexibility to bring your child to work. These settings are usually more understanding and accommodating of family needs. 2. In-Home Daycare Provider Work from Home with Children: Starting or working in an…

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Getting dental insurance without a job is entirely possible, and there are several options available to ensure you maintain good dental health. Here are some practical ways to obtain dental insurance or dental care coverage if you’re currently unemployed: 1. Marketplace Insurance Plans Health Insurance Marketplace: Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you can purchase health and dental insurance through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace or your state’s equivalent. You can access these plans at, where you can compare different dental plans and see if you qualify for any subsidies based on your income. 2. Medicaid Eligibility: Medicaid provides…

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In Pennsylvania, as in many states, you can be eligible for unemployment benefits if you quit your job for “good cause.” Good cause is typically defined as a reason so compelling that you had no choice but to leave your job. Here are some recognized reasons that might qualify you for unemployment benefits after quitting a job in Pennsylvania: 1. Health and Safety Concerns Quitting because your work poses a serious risk to your health or safety that your employer failed to address can qualify as good cause. For example, if you are working in conditions that are unsafe and…

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Accepting a job offer over the phone is an important step in your career journey, and it’s crucial to handle it professionally to set the right tone for your upcoming employment. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to accept a job offer gracefully and efficiently over the phone: 1. Prepare Your Thoughts Confirmation: Before making the call, ensure you are fully decided on accepting the offer. Consider all aspects such as salary, benefits, job responsibilities, and work environment. Questions: Prepare any final questions you might have about the role, start date, or onboarding process. It’s important to clarify these before…

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